17 EAST Street Unit# 3
- MLS®#
- 复制
- 类型
- 镇屋
- 使用面积
- 1800-1999
- 占地面积
- 联系经纪
- 车位
2 Total Parking Spaces
0 Garage
0 Parking Spaces
- 上市时间
- 2024-05-03
- 壁炉状态
- False
- 空调类型
- Central air conditioning
- 经纪公司
- 房间 楼层
- 长度 x 宽度 ( 面积 )
- 细节描述
- 4pc Bathroom Second level
- 联系经纪
- 3pc Bathroom Second level
- 联系经纪
- Bedroom Second level
- 8.4ft x 9.7ft (82.2 ft2 ) 2.57m x 2.97m (7.6 m2 )
- Bedroom Second level
- 8.5ft x 10.2ft (86.4 ft2 ) 2.59m x 3.1m (8 m2 )
- Bedroom Second level
- 11.2ft x 11.8ft (132.1 ft2 ) 3.4m x 3.61m (12.3 m2 )
- Recreation room Basement
- 9.7ft x 18.7ft (181.9 ft2 ) 2.97m x 5.69m (16.9 m2 )
- 2pc Bathroom Main level
- 联系经纪
- Kitchen Main level
- 9.7ft x 9.7ft (94.3 ft2 ) 2.95m x 2.97m (8.8 m2 )
- Dining room Main level
- 9ft x 9.7ft (87 ft2 ) 2.74m x 2.95m (8.1 m2 )
- Family room Main level
- 10.7ft x 21.5ft (229.1 ft2 ) 3.25m x 6.55m (21.3 m2 )
Elegant living in a beautiful townhouse unit close to shopping, schools, and minutes to QEW highway. Stainless steel appliances, central air conditioning, ensuite laundry. Additional recreational room on main floor with acces to private yard. High-end laminate and ceramic flooring. Master bedroom has 4pcs ensuite bath and walk-inn closet. Kitchen has breakfast lookout over yard. Private parking for 2 cars (1 Garage and 1 Driveway) 2 Visitors parking spots on site. * For Additional Property Details Click The Brochure Icon Below* (id:20186)
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Connaught Public School 615 m小学 英语
菲莎排名(2018) 520 / 747 中学 英语
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